European Mechanical Science

TR Dizin

 European Mechanical Science (EMS) is an international, peer reviewed journal which publishes full length original research papers, reviews related to all areas of Mechanical Engineering such as: Solid Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Automotive Engineering,  Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engineering, Engine and Power Engineering, Dynamics & Control, Robotics & Mechatronics, Transportation Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Design, Systems, Manufacturing, BioMedical Engineering; Process Engineering, Aerospace Engineering.

European Mechanical Science (EMS) is indexed/abstracted in below databases:

TR-Dizin, CrossRef, Index Copernicus, Journal Factor, Rootindexing, ResearchBip, JournalFactor, JIFACTOR, Google Scholar, I2OR, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF), Scientific Indexing Services, InfoBase Index, Scientific Journal Impact Factor